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How to Find Your Niche

We all want to find that perfect topic that we are super passionate about that we can turn into a business or a blog. There are so many interesting topics out there and to have to choose between them is a tough choice for some. Other knows exactly what they want to do because they’ve already found their passion and know what they want to do with it. 

For me, I had a hard time narrowing down what I wanted to blog about. All I knew is that I wanted a blog and I went through several before the idea of blogging about blogging came to me. Had to hit me on the head a few times before I would listen. So this is how I finally determined what my niche was going to be. Hopefully this will be able to help you determine what you want your niche to be, or at least narrow it down for you. 

Without further adieu, 

1. Write down a list of things you like 

Start with things that you enjoy doing. You want this list to encompass event he things that you follow of Facebook. Things that you find interesting and would like to know more about. The more that you can put on this list, the better off and more sure you can be. You can create the list 2 ways. 
The first way is to create a list of things that you have always been interested in. Things that you have continuously done or looked into or followed for years. 

The second way is to create a list of right now. Things that you are currently interested in that may wane over time. This way may lead to some failed ideas or running out of post ideas, but it also lets you delve into a subject and learn new things to talk about. 

2. Choose 3 topics 

Now that you have your list, you want to be able to narrow it down. Having a broad niche isn’t going to do anyone good. So think about how many of these topics that you can see yourself talking to others about? Can you see yourself saying to a future employer,” yes I have a such and such blog on the side” or would you be too embarrassed? Don’t worry we all have these kinds of topics that interest us whether we admit it or not. So try and narrow it down to your top 3 interests that you can see yourself doing for a long time. 

Whether or not you plan to make a living out of this, think of it seriously as more than just a hobby. Hobbies can change like the wind, but your niche shouldn’t change with it. 

3. Experiment with these 3 topics 

Now that you have your top 3 topics, experiment with them. What do I mean by this? I mean act like you actually have everything set up already and start producing content. See what you can produce. 

Ask yourself these questions about each one: 
Are you happy with the final product? 
 Was it easy for you to produce? 
 Did everything just flow? 
 Did it feel “right”? 
 Did it lead you to more ideas? 

If you answered yes to these questions then this may be your niche topic. If you have more than one that you can say this for, keep going, keep producing content for the one that you enjoy more. This content will not be wasted. If there is more than one topic that you can answer this for, and the topics are close enough, think about combining the topics and creating an even more specific niche. 

Drop me a comment and tell me if this helped, you determine your niche or helped you narrow it down some for you.


  1. Finding a niche is still of the main challenges that new bloggers face. Great job with these simple yet practical tips.

    Nataly ��

  2. One of the best part of my small biz is my niche!

